Werewolves of Millers Hollow

Image result for the werewolves of miller's hollow

The Werewolves of Millers Hollow is a card game based around the idea of treachery and suspicion. There are two sides to this game (two separate objectives for the two different sides). There are the Werewolves, then there are the Villagers. The Villagers must successfully discover who of the townsfolk are actually werewolves and kill them. The werewolves must be able to hide from suspicion and kill all the townsfolk. There are other cards that can be include into the game to make it more interesting, diverse and more enjoyable. This game is a great example of what a telltale story game should do; that is keep the audience guessing and giving the audience the right information to successfully piece together/interpret the story in their own way.

The game starts with the games master handing out the different cards out to the different players. The players then look at the cards they were given and must not reveal the cards they were given to any other player. They then assume the roles of the cards they were assigned. The town then goes to sleep, this is when all the different cards take effect. For example the little girl is allowed to peak throughout the course of the night, during the turns of the wolves and the other cards. During the night the the Wolves choose one individual that will be killed off. After the different events of the night have taken place the town wakes up to find who has been killed. This cycle repeats throughout the course of the game and must eventually deduce who the wolves are and be-rid the town of them.


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